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Research points to significant numbers of students on college campuses experiencing mental health distress and an ever increasing number of college students who are choosing to make an off-campus educational experience a part of their college careers. When we consider both of these trends together, it is quite apparent that a significant number of students with mental health concerns will spend periods of time studying away from campus, with converging concerns among college mental health and study away professionals about how to best support these students. This article seeks to outline both challenges and opportunities inherent in the collaboration between campus professionals in supporting students with mental health issues before and during their study away experiences.  相似文献   
王昌龄五古与七绝风格之比较及其创作心态试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛唐时期著名诗人王昌龄的诗歌创作成就 ,主要在五古和七绝两种体裁上。其五古显得严正肃然 ,高古劲健 ,饶有风骨 ;其七绝却呈现出华美婉丽、精工雕琢的诗风。前者反映了他对以陈子昂为代表的文学复古思潮的响应 ,后者则反映了他对文学复古思潮中矫枉过正的偏激有所修正的态度。将他在这两种诗体上表现出来的不同风格 ,与他的诗论结合起来考察 ,还可看出他以五古经营世务和以七绝遣兴抒怀的不同创作心态  相似文献   
高职生症状自评量表评定结果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:通过对高职学生心理卫生状况调查,了解高职学生的心理健康状况发展规律。方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90),进行比较分析。结果:高职学生各因子分明显高于全国正常成人常模;在总体水平上,高职学生总体的心理健康水平也明显低于全国大学生平均水平;男生的心理健康状况略好于女生;往届生的心理健康水平低于新生的心理健康水平。结论:应加强高职学生心理健康教育工作。  相似文献   
通过对大学生身体素质与学业成绩,心理健康,人格类型的比较研究表明:普通大学生群体中身体素质水平的高低与学业成绩关系紧密,身体素质水平的发展有利于改善学生心理健康水平,身体素质水平的提高对人格类型形成产生影响。  相似文献   
就当前我国的健康教育和实施全民健身计划等问题,作简要阐述.我国的健康教育起步较晚,发展健康教育事业的关键,主要是通过有效的健康教育,鼓励人们采用和坚持符合健康要求的生活方式,明智地选择医疗服务,能够自已准确决断,改变自身的不健康行为,保护环境减少或避免污染,激励人们接受健康信息,养成有益身心健康的习惯,摒弃有害身心健康的不良行为,树立健康观念,培养健康意识,为提高中华民族的身体素质,作出自已的贡献.行之有效的进行健康教育的同时还必须全面实施全民健康计划,健康教育是一项宏观的战略决策,全民健身计划则是具体的措施、手段及方法,两者有机的统一结合,才可能达到强国利民的健康途径.  相似文献   
目的为了探讨智力落后学生身体机能(脉搏、血压、肺活量)的发育规律及水平。方法对北京市12所培智学校的全体在校学生(生病者除外)进行测查。结果如下(1)智力落后学生总的身体机能发育指标符合普通学生的发展趋势,身体的机能随年龄增长而逐渐增加,但肺通气机能增加不明显。(2)智力落后学生机能发育指标存在性别的特点,其中肺活量约从11岁半起男性明显高于女性,而肺活量指数约从13岁起男性明显高于女性,并维持下去。男性的收缩压从14岁起高于女性。舒张压及脉搏的性别特点则不明显。(3)智力落后学生身体机能改善不明显,尤其是女性各项机能指标在近20年来增长的速度变慢。(4)智力落后学生身体机能发育水平与普通学生的发育水平有差异,主要表现在反映呼吸机能的肺活量及肺活量指数均不如正常学生;另外智力落后学生的脉搏频率高于正常学生,也可在一定程度上反映心血管机能不如正常学生;智力落后女性的舒张压低于正常学生。  相似文献   
高校体育文化与大学生心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就高校体育文化的概念、特征及其在调节大学生不良情绪,培养良好品格等方面所起到的直接或间接作用进行初步探讨;并提出制定高校体育文化建设规划,建设具有本校特色的体育文化等建议,旨在唤起对高校体育文化研究和建设的重视.  相似文献   
当今人类关于健康的认识得到进一步深化,健康的要求越来越受到人们的普遍重视,只有身体和心理都健康,才能称得上真正的健康。体育锻炼不仅能促进学生的生理健康,同时也能促进他们的心理健康和培养高尚意志品质。第三届全国教育工作会议对我国体育卫生工作提出了“学校教育要树立健康第一的指导思想”,“健康的体魄是青少年为祖国和人民服务的基本前提,是中华民族旺盛生命力的体现”。在健康第一的指导思想的背景下,学校体育兼有“健身”和“育心”的双重任务,并且是其它任何方法和手段不能替代和比拟的。重视和加强体育锻炼对促进学生的全面健康有着重要的意义。  相似文献   


During intrafamilial conflicts children are often innocent bystanders, caught in the crossfire. In such situations, they are at increased risk to become directly involved in abusive verbal behavior of the perpetrator, and exposed to being shouted or yelled at, threatened, rejected and even physically abused. The present study has two main objectives: (1) ascertain a national base rate of intrafamilial conflicts and physical violence at home among Icelandic adolescents; and (2) to investigate the association of witnessing and/or having been a part of intrafamilial conflict or physical violence at home with variables that relate to mental health and well-being.


The participants were 3,515 students, 14- and 15-year-old, in the national compulsory school system in Iceland. As a part of the 2003 ESPAD survey, each pupil was asked about experiences of severe verbal arguments and physical violence at home as well as their background, behaviors, and mental health assessed with the use of tested measurement scales such as the Symptom Distress Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.


About 22% of the participants stated that they had witnessed a severe verbal argument between parents and 34% stated that they had been involved in a severe verbal argument with parents. This rate was slightly higher for girls compared to boys. All together 7% of adolescents had witnessed physical violence at home where an adult was involved and 6% of the participants stated that they had experiences of being involved in physical violence at home where an adult was involved. Witnessing or being involved in severe verbal arguments at home and/or witnessing or being involved in physical violence with an adult was significantly associated with greater levels of depression, anger, and anxiety, and negatively related with self-esteem (p < 0.01).


Many adolescents in Iceland witness severe parental verbal arguments or physical violence between adults in their homes and some are directly involved in such acts. It affects their long-term emotional and behavioral development and well-being.

Practice implications

Preventive measures have to be implemented at an early age and should include, but not be limited to, information on disciplining and upbringing of children and the negative impact of intrafamilial conflicts on the long-term health of their children. Due attention should be given to the health and well-being of children where such violence is known to occur.  相似文献   
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